Through the Rapids

How fitting that Easter would fall during this challenging world event. It means dying to the old self. It means rebirth.

It may seem difficult to see ahead but it is possible. Yesterday in a women’s conference someone mentioned that her husband compared what we are going through to white water rafting. There are really calm rivers- That’s a level 1. The level 3 has more turbulent rapids and narrow passages. By the level 5, there are so many drops, difficult passage ways, and difficult maneuvering that many people get hurt or die. According to him, we are going through a level 5. We are all on the same boat and aware that what we do affects the person on the other side of the boat. The only way to get through is to focus on the path – Not the obstacles. You have to be prepared as much as you can to deal with obstacles, and you have to deal with them, but your attention is on the through line.

So, the questions to ask ourselves are:

Who will I be when this is over?
What have I learned that I can apply?
Who am I in relation to humanity?
Who am I in relation to nature?
What is my place?
What is essential?
What will I pass to my children that will help them in the future?
What systems and structures will I support?
How can I make a difference to contribute to a better world?

I invite you to grieve the old (because it’s important) and let it go. Then, embrace the new, transform yourself, and transform the world.

Be new and be well,

PS. Working on it myself😏