Is Life All About Relationships

-How we relate to ourselves
-How we relate to each other
-How we relate to beliefs and ideas
-How we relate to what we call things
-How we relate to the world and the universe

If all, including us and our ideas, is composed of particles of energy, when we enter something or someone else’s field of energy, we are affecting theirs and they are affecting ours.

It’s important to understand this to make decisions about what fields to enter and if we need protection. We may decide to help someone who is in anger, sadness or is physically sick, and sometimes how we are affected is visible to the eyes, sometimes to the emotions, and sometimes it’s deeper.

Today I invite you to relate wisely. Give and help others in ways that your energy is not diminished, and make sure to recharge with people, animals, plants and situations that raise your energy level.

Independence From What

For thousands of years people have fought to be free from others. I learned that first I have to be free from my mind. My mind was a chatterbox and I believed everything it said. It mostly said to follow unwritten rules and concepts that were probably used by my ancestors or by others around me. Some of those concepts included: “You have to blindly obey;” “you don’t have enough;” “you are not worth much,” and “you are not capable.”

Once I realized that I was accepting these behavior patterns, I was able to make the decision to become free of them. It’s not an easy process, but one worth pursuing. It requires that you become an objective evaluator.

One benefit from this for me was improved relationships. I did not need to be controlled anymore because I didn’t believe anymore that others had to tell me what to do. I was and am capable to be, to do, and to make decisions for my well being. So, I learned to say, “No.” I learned to weigh my choices. And I was also able to evaluate relationships in order to ask for dynamics to change if necessary.

If your life is not yielding the results you would like, the problem may be stemming from a paradigm that is no longer serving you. Freedom is a wonderful thing!

Happy Independence Day!