The New Normal is Here!

So, now that we know what we didn’t know before, how will we tackle the new normal?

What we know may be slightly different for each one of us, but let’s go over some. We know that what we think affects our words and actions, and that all that, affects others here and across the world. And it affects the Earth and our future.

We know that keeping healthy physically, emotionally, and mentally is essential for our wellbeing and the wellbeing of those around us.

Many of us now know that connections with ourselves and with others is what makes everything worth it.

Those who take advantage of the silence, have learned that listening to our gut, to our subtle voice within, is an art we must pursue to make productive, meaningful choices for ourselves and our loved ones.

We have also come to realize that others are going through battles right now that we know nothing about, and it’s nothing new. We shouldn’t have judged others for their actions before, and we should not be judging them now because we do not know what makes them act the way they do.

I am sure you can add to this list. Life is continuously teaching us.

Now , what will we do with our new perspective?

Will we change careers? Will we perform our job in a different way? Will we figure out more ways to connect with loved ones? Will we reach out to others who we feel need support? Will we reinvent our systems of education, economy, and government? Will we help create a new more conscious community?

Today I invite you to reflect on your lessons, whatever they may have been, in order to act upon your believe system which I hope has been shaken. For if we don’t take initiative to cocreate with All There Is, we’ll be stuck in cycles taking us no where. What a great opportunity has been given us to transcend.